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A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

Dr Jennifer Betts

An image of a figure with their hands over their face

Mental health and illness in Northern Ireland (3): Barriers to accessing mental health services and the role of the voluntary sector

This is the third in a series of articles on mental health and illness in Northern Ireland. Following posts on the overall strategies for mental health and care pathways, this article focuses on barriers to accessing mental health services and highlights the role of the voluntary sector in delivering such services. A more detailed RaISe briefing on many of the issues is available.

An image of a figure with their hands over their face
Image by Ryan Melaugh under Creative Commons


Read More »Mental health and illness in Northern Ireland (3): Barriers to accessing mental health services and the role of the voluntary sector

Pharmacist assisting a customer (Creative Commons:

Northern Ireland’s health crisis: can pharmacists relieve the pressure on GPs?

The growing pressure on primary healthcare services is reported in the media on an almost daily basis – a key reason being that people are living longer, often with chronic and complex healthcare needs. This article looks at how an enhanced role for community pharmacists in health promotion and medicine management is intended to help deliver the vision for healthcare delivery in Northern Ireland over the next ten years.

Pharmacist assisting a customer (Creative Commons)
Image: Creative Commons

Read More »Northern Ireland’s health crisis: can pharmacists relieve the pressure on GPs?

Breastfeeding welcome here?

Breastfeeding in public is often a topic for debate. Although a very personal decision for parents, breastfeeding in public spaces is viewed as a social issue with divided opinions. This article looks at the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies versus the influence social attitudes can have, and asks if attitudes towards breastfeeding in public places in Northern Ireland are changing.

Image by Dave Clubb
Read More »Breastfeeding welcome here?