A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service


A primary school pupil working on the topic of rainforests as part of the World Around Us

Are composite classes bad for children?

In 2016 the former Minister for Education, Peter Weir MLA, spoke of wanting to address composite classes, whereby a single teacher is responsible for two or more years of students at the same time. The former Minister suggested that it is more difficult for teachers to deliver high quality education in composite classes and that pupils need to be able to interact with peer groups. He stated that by the end of the planning period, he expected actions to address ‘the issue of primary pupils being taught in a composite class of more than two year groups’. This article looks at the evidence base on composite classes in Northern Ireland and around the world, considering how common they are, their educational outcomes and benefits and challenges.

A primary school pupil working on the topic of rainforests as part of the World Around Us (reproduced with kind permission of the school and parents)
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Students from Shimna College visiting the Northern Ireland Assembly

The Northern Ireland Assembly and the School Curriculum

The Assembly Education Service engaged with more than 80,000 young people during the last mandate. The aim of this work is to inform young people about the work of the Assembly and encourage them to get involved, but how does this work fit into the Northern Ireland Curriculum?

Students from Shimna College visiting the Northern Ireland Assembly
Students from Shimna College visiting the Northern Ireland Assembly

Read More »The Northern Ireland Assembly and the School Curriculum