A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

Health & Social Care

Outpatient appointments: why are we waiting?

Despite recent investment, waiting lists are at an all-time high. Consultant-led outpatient appointments provide an opportunity for patients to receive consultation, investigation and minor treatment. Current demand is high, with over 1.5 million outpatient appointments occurring each year. Some clinical specialities have long waiting lists, resulting in patients experiencing significant delays to get treatment. This in turn can have a detrimental impact on their health and well-being.

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The extension of healthy life expectancy is a key aim of the Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2021.

Ready for Ageing? How are policy makers approaching the challenges of an ageing population?

The extension of healthy life expectancy is a key aim of the Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2021.
The extension of healthy life expectancy is a key aim of the Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2021.

Population ageing has been identified as a major societal challenge common to most European countries, particularly in terms of health and social care provision. In view of this, the European Commission has encouraged Member States to have high-level strategies in place. For example, it recommends policies to improve the sustainability and efficiency of social and health care systems; policies that promote health throughout the life course and encourage prevention and rehabilitation in order to reduce demand for long-term care. Commission initiatives to inspire and support Member States have included the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between the Generations 2012 and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.

Read More »Ready for Ageing? How are policy makers approaching the challenges of an ageing population?

An image showing Omagh New Hospital

Transforming Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland: A Recent History

An image showing Omagh New Hospital
Urgent care wing, Omagh New Hospital (image by Kenneth Allen and used under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0)

Across the developed world, governments are striving to transform how they deliver and manage health and social care in a way which is fit for a modern context. That context includes the increasing demands placed on these services by ageing populations (often living with multi-morbidities), constrained resources, technological advances and rising patient expectations.

Northern Ireland has not been immune to these increased demands and to the realisation of the need for real strategic change in delivery and suitable governance of its health and social care services.

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