A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

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An aerial view of the Peace Bridge in Derry/Londonderry

COVID-19 and planning measures

This article explores the temporary planning measures introduced as a response to COVID-19 across the UK and Republic of Ireland (ROI). Some of these measures

An image of a farming landscape in Ireland

COVID-19 and farming – A bitter harvest?

2020 was already set to be a challenging year for farmers across the UK. Having finally reached an agreed Withdrawal Agreement with the EU, the UK is set to formally leave the EU at the end of the current transitional period in December 2020.  As a result of this decision, the UK and each of the devolved administrations were facing major changes in terms of how they would be supporting farmers outside the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) framework. There were concerns amongst some local stakeholders around the impacts that such moves would have on the nature and viability of agriculture here.

An image showing a reader consulting reference material in the Assembly Library

COVID-19 and Brexit: A reading list

Brexit and the negotiations during the current transition period may have slipped from the top of the news agenda, but commentators are already beginning to

A photograph showing Coronavirus

What is the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

This article was edited on 4th March 2020 to include updated information, data and guidance. The recent international coronavirus outbreak originated in the city of

Image showing the word 'wages' spelled out with some cash behind.

National Minimum Wage: Effects and future

Do you know the hourly minimum wage rates for workers in Northern Ireland? Currently, the rates are determined under three separate schemes: the ‘National Living

An image showing the Northern Ireland Budget Act 2019, with a selection of cash

Northern Ireland public finances: An update

This blog article provides an update on Northern Ireland public finances in the absence of fully functioning devolved government. It explains recently enacted budget legislation

A black and white image of a woman with her hand covering her face

Is coercive control a crime?

In 2016 a man called Lance Hart shot his wife Claire and daughter Charlotte outside a swimming pool in Lincolnshire, England, before turning his shotgun