A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

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Browse all the articles published on the Research Matters blog, with the most recent articles appearing at the top.

Fishing boats in Ardglass harbour (Creative Commons; Image: Ardfern)

A single species fishing industry

Despite not being particularly large in overall UK terms, the sea fishing industry in Northern Ireland makes a significant contribution to the economy of the

Outcomes-based budgeting

What is ‘outcomes-based budgeting’, and what are the key benefits and limitations of using it?

An image of two hands: there may be testing times ahead for the Third Sector

Testing times ahead for the Third Sector

The Third Sector makes a substantial, but at times unrecognised, contribution to society in Northern Ireland. It is a key provider of health/social care; housing/housing

Modernising equality legislation

Following decades of piecemeal development, governments are increasingly seeking to address the common problem of fragmented, uneven and incoherent equality legislation.

Outpatient appointments: why are we waiting?

Despite recent investment, waiting lists are at an all-time high. Consultant-led outpatient appointments provide an opportunity for patients to receive consultation, investigation and minor treatment.

Image of a planned urban landscape: Local development planning is now with local councils

Planning in a new environment

The planning system has undergone much change recently, so what are the new structures and how has the balance of responsibility shifted between central and