A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service


A row of 'To Let' signs in Belfast

Is it appropriate ‘to let’ residential letting agents in Northern Ireland away with lighter touch regulation?

The private rented sector plays a vital role in the Northern Ireland housing market. There has been a focus on the regulation of the sector in recent years in the form of landlord registration, tenancy deposit schemes and new Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) legislation. Given recent regulatory developments in England, Wales and Scotland, how does the strength of the regulatory framework of letting agents in Northern Ireland compare?


A row of 'To Let' signs in Belfast
Image from Albert Bridge (used under Creative Commons, adapted)

Read More »Is it appropriate ‘to let’ residential letting agents in Northern Ireland away with lighter touch regulation?

Edwardian chimneys in Belfast

‘Housing First’: An alternative approach to addressing homelessness?

Homelessness strategies across Europe have traditionally focused on a housing-led approach. This approach prioritises treatment and addiction recovery. Service users transition through stages of temporary accommodation before permanent housing is made available. In contrast, the ‘Housing First’ model gives service users immediate access to permanent accommodation. Because the ‘Housing First’ model views housing as a human right, engagement with treatment services or sobriety isn’t used as a condition of their tenancy. Following on from a blog post yesterday about the many different forms of homelessness in Northern Ireland, this article looks at what the ‘Housing First’ approach is and how it has been implemented across Europe, with specific focus on its use in Northern Ireland.

Edwardian chimneys in Belfast
Image by Albert Bridge, under Creative Commons

Read More »‘Housing First’: An alternative approach to addressing homelessness?