A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

Published pre May 2022

This is a tag applied to all posts published before May 2022. This is because they are all using the same single post template that won’t be used on new posts going forward.

A row of 'To Let' signs in Belfast

Is it appropriate ‘to let’ residential letting agents in Northern Ireland away with lighter touch regulation?

The private rented sector plays a vital role in the Northern Ireland housing market. There has been a focus on the regulation of the sector in recent years in the form of landlord registration, tenancy deposit schemes and new Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) legislation. Given recent regulatory developments in England, Wales and Scotland, how does the strength of the regulatory framework of letting agents in Northern Ireland compare?


A row of 'To Let' signs in Belfast
Image from Albert Bridge (used under Creative Commons, adapted)

Read More »Is it appropriate ‘to let’ residential letting agents in Northern Ireland away with lighter touch regulation?

How do you control a space invader? The problem of Japanese Knotweed in Northern Ireland

Since the introduction of Japanese Knotweed as an ornamental plant in the nineteenth century, it has spread throughout watercourses, transport routes and waste ground, out-competing native plants and damaging buildings and infrastructure. This article examines some of the legislative options available for tackling it and asks whether some of the measures pursued elsewhere may be applicable in Northern Ireland.

Image of Japanese Knotweed
Japanese Knotweed (Image: Calln Darabus, under Creative Commons)

Read More »How do you control a space invader? The problem of Japanese Knotweed in Northern Ireland

Cover pages of the 2012 Economic Strategy and 2017 draft Industrial Strategy

From an economic to an industrial strategy

Following on from a recent blog post on ‘a revised strategy for Northern Ireland’s Economy’, this post looks at the Department for the Economy’s draft Industrial Strategy and highlights some of the key similarities and differences between the new strategy and its predecessor.

Cover pages of the 2012 Economic Strategy and 2017 draft Industrial Strategy
Cover pages of the 2012 Economic Strategy and 2017 draft Industrial Strategy

Read More »From an economic to an industrial strategy

World Trade Organization public forum in 2016

World Trade Organisation and the implications for Northern Ireland trade

During a House of Commons debate on Article 50 in February 2017, Brexit Minister, David Jones, confirmed that if the UK failed to secure a deal with the EU during negotiations, it would fall back on World Trade Organisation (WTO) terms of trade. This blog article outlines what the WTO is and how trading on WTO terms might impact NI trade position.

World Trade Organization public forum in 2016
World Trade Organisation public forum in 2016 (Image: World Trade Organisation under Creative Commons)

Read More »World Trade Organisation and the implications for Northern Ireland trade

An image of a figure with their hands over their face

Mental health and illness in Northern Ireland (3): Barriers to accessing mental health services and the role of the voluntary sector

This is the third in a series of articles on mental health and illness in Northern Ireland. Following posts on the overall strategies for mental health and care pathways, this article focuses on barriers to accessing mental health services and highlights the role of the voluntary sector in delivering such services. A more detailed RaISe briefing on many of the issues is available.

An image of a figure with their hands over their face
Image by Ryan Melaugh under Creative Commons


Read More »Mental health and illness in Northern Ireland (3): Barriers to accessing mental health services and the role of the voluntary sector

Two masks illustrating contrasting states of mind (image: Pixabay)

Mental health and illness in Northern Ireland (2): Service provision, care pathways, recovery focus

This is the second in a series of articles regarding mental health and illness in Northern Ireland. Recently, we provided an overview of mental health strategy in Northern Ireland; here, we focus on service delivery for adults, for children and adolescents, and the importance of the ‘recovery’ focus of the model of care. A more detailed RaISe briefing on many of the issues is available.

Two masks illustrating contrasting states of mind (image: Pixabay)

Read More »Mental health and illness in Northern Ireland (2): Service provision, care pathways, recovery focus