A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

Published pre May 2022

This is a tag applied to all posts published before May 2022. This is because they are all using the same single post template that won’t be used on new posts going forward.

Blue and yellow pills: There may have to be a change to the marketing authorisation of medicinal products for human use once the UK leaves the EU

What are the potential implications of withdrawal from the EU for healthcare in Northern Ireland?

The Assembly Research and Information Service (RaISe) recently published a paper which provided an update on developments following the EU referendum on 23rd June. In this post, another in our series of articles examining some of the specific implications that a withdrawal from the EU may have for Northern Ireland, we examine what the implications might be for health and social care. This post follows a more detailed RaISe briefing paper on potential health and social care issues following Brexit.

Blue and yellow pills: There may have to be a change to the marketing authorisation of medicinal products for human use once the UK leaves the EU
Blue and yellow pills: There may have to be a change to the marketing authorisation of medicinal products for human use once the UK leaves the EU.

Read More »What are the potential implications of withdrawal from the EU for healthcare in Northern Ireland?

Students from Shimna College visiting the Northern Ireland Assembly

The Northern Ireland Assembly and the School Curriculum

The Assembly Education Service engaged with more than 80,000 young people during the last mandate. The aim of this work is to inform young people about the work of the Assembly and encourage them to get involved, but how does this work fit into the Northern Ireland Curriculum?

Students from Shimna College visiting the Northern Ireland Assembly
Students from Shimna College visiting the Northern Ireland Assembly

Read More »The Northern Ireland Assembly and the School Curriculum

An image of the Northern Ireland Assembly

Election 2016: An analysis of results and transfers

Yesterday, we published a post which examined the 2016 Assembly election results in terms of candidates and voter turnout. This post, the second in the Election 2016 series, will focus on the results of that poll. The article is based on a more detailed report on Election 2016 by the Research and Information Service, which can be viewed here.

An image of the Northern Ireland Assembly
The Northern Ireland Assembly: 108 seats were contested during the election in May 2016

Read More »Election 2016: An analysis of results and transfers

A polling station (Image: Paul Albertella under Creative Commons)

Election 2016: Candidates and voter turnout

The fifth Assembly election since the return of devolution in 1998 took place on 5 May 2016. The DUP consolidated its position as the largest party in Northern Ireland with the return of its 38 Members, with the UUP and Alliance also ending up with the same number of seats as before. The nationalist parties, however, experienced reverses, with the loss of two seats by the SDLP and one by Sinn Féin. In this post, the first of two articles on Election 2016, the focus is on the candidates and voter turnout. Tomorrow, a second post will look at the results. These posts are largely based on a more detailed and comprehensive election report which can be viewed here.

A polling station (Image: Paul Albertella under Creative Commons)
A polling station (Image: Paul Albertella under Creative Commons)

Read More »Election 2016: Candidates and voter turnout

BBC Broadcasting House, Belfast – investment in a new production centre is something which the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure had called for (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

What could the draft BBC Charter mean for Northern Ireland?

  • by

A draft BBC Charter and Framework Agreement has been published, but what’s in it for Northern Ireland and will proposed changes to governance arrangements be sufficient to address concerns expressed during the consultation process?

BBC Broadcasting House, Belfast – investment in a new production centre is something which the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure had called for (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
BBC Broadcasting House, Belfast – investment in a new production centre is something which the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure had called for (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Read More »What could the draft BBC Charter mean for Northern Ireland?

Reconciliation sculpture i nthe grounds of the Stormont Estate, by the artist Josefina de Vasconcellos.

Dealing with the past in Northern Ireland

One area that has created considerable political division in Northern Ireland is how to deal with a contested past. Broadly, ‘dealing with the past’ tends to refer to issues relating to people affected by the conflict, how the past is commemorated or remembered and truth recovery and justice. How far is Northern Ireland from an agreed approach to deal with the events of the conflict?

Reconciliation sculpture in the grounds of the Stormont Estate, by the artist Josefina de Vasconcellos.
Reconciliation sculpture in the grounds of the Stormont Estate, by the artist Josefina de Vasconcellos.

Read More »Dealing with the past in Northern Ireland