A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

Transport Strategy

Aerial view of the newly constructed A8; officially opened in December 2015 this dualling scheme cost £133m

Is Northern Ireland’s transport infrastructure sufficient to support growth and competitiveness?

As the Northern Ireland (NI) Executive seeks to grow the local economy during the forthcoming mandate, the quality and capacity of NI’s transport infrastructure will be a major factor. High quality infrastructure is a critical determinant of economic growth and competitiveness, with a 2015 Confederation of British Industry (CBI) survey indicating that 94% of businesses view the quality of infrastructure as a decisive factor when planning future investment.

Aerial view of the newly constructed A8; officially opened in December 2015 this dualling scheme cost £133m
Aerial view of the newly constructed A8; officially opened in December 2015, this dualling scheme cost £133m

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